Bible Study

Thank you for your interest in learning about Eternal Life.
Although the whole Bible is the Word of God (all 66 Books), the Gospel according to John and the Epistle to the Romans were given specifically to show how you could receive eternal life. For the sake of brevity this Study is confined to these two Books. Any reference to other parts of the Bible will be written out for you.
The Bible begins with God. It does not set out to prove His existence. After all, if He doesn’t exist, there is no reason to study what He says in His Word. The only requirement God lays down for you is found in Hebrews chapter 11, verse 6:
“He that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
If you will approach this Bible study with the simple acknowledgement that God IS, He will reward your efforts by revealing Himself and His gift of eternal life to you.