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From your copy of “John & Romans” look up and read the scripture passages referenced, and answer the questions in your own words.

  1. What is the great question we all must answer sooner or later? (John 18:38)

2. When you have the answer to this question, what effect will it produce in your life? (John 8:32)

3. In His prayer to His Father, what did the Lord Jesus Christ say is truth? (John 17:17)

4. What must we be willing to do if we are to know this truth (doctrine) comes from God? (John 7:16-17)

5. When we do truth, we come into what? (John 3:21)

6. From what bondage will the truth and the light of the Gospel deliver us? (John 8:33-34)

7. If we choose to reject the Word of God (the "oracles of God"), does that change the truth in any way? (Romans 3:2-4)

Hebrews 10:26‐27 — “For if we sin wilfully after that we have

received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more

sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment

and fiery indignation...”

8. According to Hebrews 10:26-27 (above), if we deliberately reject the truth of the Gospel, is there another way of salvation we can choose?

9. Is it possible to be justified by keeping the Law of God? (Romans 3:20,28)

10. What are the two kings of righteousness ("right-ness" before a holy God) a man can persue? (Romans 10:3)

11. To receive eternal life, to which of these two (above) must one be submitted? (Romans 10:3)

12. How is a person justified before God? (Romans 3:28)

Believing what God says in His Word (the Bible) and acting upon it is

called FAITH.

13. How is faith produced? (Romans 10:17)

14. What must follow the hearing of God's Word to receive everlasting live? (John 5:24)

15. For what does God count believing on the Lord Jesus Christ? (Romans 4:5)

16. With what do we believe unto righteousness? (Romans 10:9-10)


17. Who did Jesus say is the main theme of the Bible - the scriptures? (John 5:39)

18. What can permanently satisfy the thirst of your soul? (John 4:14)

19. Who or what is the source of this satisfaction? (John 4:14)

20. Whom does Jesus invite to come unto Him? (John 7:37)

21. Is salvation only offered to a select few? (John 3:16; Romans 10:13)

What word in these two passages leads you to your answer?

22. What does Romans 6:23 call eternal lift? (Read also: John 10:28)

23. Must a gift be earned or paid for by the one who receive it?

24. Eternal life is only received through Who? (Romans 6:23)

25. Who or what did Jesus say is the only door of salvation? (John 10:9)

I Timothy 2:5 — “For there is ONE God, and one mediator

between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”

Acts 4:12 — “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is

none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we

must be saved.”

26. Is there any other way for us to come to God the Father? (John 14:2-6)

27. After instructing Thomas to put his hand in His side, what did jesus ask him to do? (John 20:27)

28. Did Thomas believe? (John 20:29)

29. What were the first words spoken by Thomas after he believed? (John 20:28)

30. Can you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ even though you have not seen Him? (John 20:29)

31. What did Jesus ask the man He had just healed form blindness? (John 9:35)

32. What were the first words spoken by this man after he believed? (John 9:38)

33. What must you do to be saved? (Romans 10:13)


“Dear God in Heaven … knowing that in your sight I am a sinner and that Christ died for the ungodly, and desiring with all my heart to turn from my sins and from self, I now receive Your Son, Jesus Christ, into my heart as my personal Lord and Saviour, from henceforth to live for Him Who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

34. If you come to Christ in this way, will He save you? (John 6:37)

35. If you have not received eternal life, what can be the only reason? (John 5:40)

36. Have you personally come to Jesus Christ and received the gift of eternal life?

If "yes," can you say when and where?

37. Do you believe, then, that Christ has saved you?

Can one be absolutely sure that he has eternal life? Yes, you can!

The fourth and final study in this series will show the CERTAINTY and the SECURITY of God’s eternal salvation.

While you are waiting for this next lesson, finish reading through the Gospel of John and the Book of Romans.

38. Do you have questions after completing this study? If so, please write them out and include them with this study.

Thank you for completing this third study. We hope it was helpful in leading you to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. He alone bridged the infinite divide between sinful man and a holy God with His outstretched arms on the cross. Christ paid your great debt of sin by becoming the sin‐bearer, thereby satisfying the righteous demands of an infinitely HOLY God — enabling a full and free salvation from an infinitely LOVING God. At the cross…

“Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace

have kissed each other” — Psalm 85:10.

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